Monday, February 21, 2011


My name is Grace.
Life is beautiful. All the time.
I am young, and i have a thirst for life that is never quenched.  I am in love with love. My heart has been broken and fixed. I have a hilarious family and equally hilarious friends. I am blessed with many things, including the knowledge that God is in love with me. It's a good feeling. I do ridiculous stuff everyday but luckily for me the people in my life find me funny. If you aren't funny, odds are we won't be friends. Not only is life beautiful, but it is funny. fun. alive. If you can't see that,  well i'm sorry. People judge me, and i'm okay with that, i don't mind. I'm writing a book. Jezebel. That's the name. i know it sounds weird. it kinda is. Don't worry, it's not about the crazy evil one in the bible. I just liked the name. Music. My whole life pretty much revolves around it. My parents are suuuchh good singers. They sing at my church. Yeah, i'm a pastor's daughter. Thats where most of the judging comes from. I guess i understand.  I am not really a rebel. I enjoy the simple things in life, like rain and hot chocolate and hearing my friends laugh at something i said. I love movies. A little too much..... My brothers play video games. So do i. Halo reach. Yeah me and video games are very close friends. My brother and his wonderful wife are my role models. Jer and Shannon.They are going to welcome a little boy in June. Can't wait! They truly are amazing people and i have them to thank for who i am today. I have two best friends that i have been blessed with. Sam and Elias. They find life just as amusing as i do. 8th grade is hard, and they get me through it. That's a summary of my life. It truly is so,so beautiful.
Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee,the small child,and the smiling faces.Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.
-Grace :)